The 4P Framework – consisting of Product, Price, Place, and Promotion – is one of the fundamental marketing strategies that helps companies successfully position their products or services in the market, a classic task often encountered in case interviews. It provides a structured approach to consider all critical aspects of a product or service and ensure they are optimally aligned with customer needs.
💡 By the way: In our Case Interview Basics, you can find all the essential frameworks you need for case interview preparation. Check it out!
The 4P Framework in Case Interviews
The 4P Framework is especially useful in case interviews for analyzing marketing and sales cases. It offers a structured approach to evaluate all relevant aspects of a product and develop the best strategy. It is typically used in market entry, product development, or growth cases and helps systematically identify and solve problems, whether it's introducing new products or optimizing existing ones.
The 4Ps in Detail

The product describes what exactly is being offered to the customer. It includes physical features, quality, design, packaging, as well as accompanying services and warranties. In a case interview, you should consider how the product meets customer needs and what differentiates it from competitors.
Price determines how much customers are willing to pay for the product. There are various pricing strategies such as cost-based, competition-based, or value-based pricing. In a case, you should analyze which pricing strategy the company should pursue to maximize profits while meeting market demands.
Place refers to the distribution of the product, i.e., how it reaches customers. This includes the choice of distribution channels, transportation, and storage. In a case, it's important to examine whether the product is accessible to the target audience and if the distribution channel can be optimized.
Promotion includes all activities taken to make the product known and persuade the target audience to buy it. This can involve advertising, sales promotions, public relations, and social media. In a case interview, it's helpful to think about how the company can effectively communicate to boost sales.
Case Example: Fiber Optic Expansion (Telecom Strategy Consulting Case)
Imagine you are a strategic project manager at Deutsche Telekom responsible for expanding fiber optic networks in a medium-sized city. Applying the 4P Framework in this context would look like this:
- Product: High-bandwidth fiber optic internet access with reliable connectivity.
- Price: Consider pricing strategies to reach both households and businesses.
- Place: Plan infrastructure for efficient distribution throughout the city.
- Promotion: Develop a communication strategy to highlight the benefits of the new offering and attract customers.