1. Read the fundamentals (cosentino, cheng, MBA consulting club books)
2. Practice 10-15 cases with peers
3. Have first check-in with expert to nip in the bud any vices in your form
4. Practice 10 more cases with peers
5. Start alternating 5-10 cases with peers with 1-2 with experts (according to time, ability and willingness to invest, capability with case-type interviews). I’veseen People be ready to go with as little as 20 cases in total and I’ve seen people who practiced 150 cases and I could tell that they would need a dose of luck to pass their interview (even though they would have made amazing consultants)
6. Finish off with just expert interviews according to need
7. Do not do anything besides relaxing and sleeping the 24-48 hours before interview
Take the above with a grain of salt, one size doesn’t fit all and the above is clearly a high-level, albeit prescriptive, structure that I would recommend to someone I do not know but that I would like to set up for success.
hope it helps,