I come from a business development/infrastructure technology background and am going for a tech advisory role at one of the big 4. I have made it through to the second round interview and have been advised I will be asked to do a 1.5-hour case study. Whilst I am waiting for further details to come through can anyone advise on some fundamental or any crash-course literature I should be reading up on? Thanks in advance!
Interview prep, infrastructure tech background but new to advisory

Dear A,
I would recommend you three fundamental books to start with and actually get an idea of the process:
(a) McKinsey case book, which can help you better understand the whole interview mechanics and what happens behind the stage
(b) Case In Point by Cosentino to understand different types of cases and approaches to crack them
(c) LBS book, which is a great introduction into the entire application process
Hope it helps,
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

Hi there,
If you only need to learn about case cracking for a single 1.5h interview, I would recommend that you watch some case cracking videos on Youtube and that you learn about the different frameworks of a typical case interview. Alternatively, you can also have a few sessions with experts who can help you gain valuable time by covering the most important & relevant things for you.
Happy to answer any other question you might have.
All the best,

Hi there,
You mean it will be a 1.5h written case with presentation or a traditional case interview organized in 1.5h?

Honestly, the best thing you can do for a crash course is hire a coach! Even an hour or 2 can catapult your understanding of these things.
*Cue shameless plug*: Coming from an IT background I've helped a lot of candidates with exactly this. Happy to talk more, but you really need to dive into the major topics within Infrastructure Tech.
A lot of company websites have great info. For example, I'm helping a candidate with CMA Strategy Consulting, and I just love their breakdown of some of the key tech infrastructure topics they have here: