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Pre-health to Life Science Consulting

Hi! I'm one-year post-grad with a BS in biology from a non-target school, and was dead-set on applying to med school, when I started to have doubts if healthcare is for me. 

I know since I missed the ORC, breaking into consulting will be tough. Most of my experiences were clinical healthcare related, so I have no idea where to start into trying to pivot careers. 

I have looked into getting an MHA, but I was wondering even without masters, could it be possible to get into consulting. I have looked into firms like ClearView that are more geared towards science professional backgrounds (research background which I have) however I applied, and never heard back. 

I was wondering those that did not get business experience but received interviews, how to better structure my resume with the experiences I have. 

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on Sep 01, 2024
4 years at Bain & Co | INSEAD MBA | I used PrepLounge to get my offer!

Hi there,

It’s smart that you’re exploring consulting. Your biology background could be valuable, especially with healthcare-focused firms like ClearView, but I’d recommend looking more broadly too. You’re not limited by your degree—many firms appreciate diverse backgrounds.

Networking is key. Reach out to people at various firms to learn about off-cycle recruiting opportunities, which can be a great way to get in. Another approach might be gaining experience in a life sciences startup or business setting, which could help you bridge the gap. Long-term, an MBA might also be worth considering if you want to make a more significant pivot.

Best of luck!

on Sep 02, 2024
+600 Interviews | Free 30-min alignment call | Ex-Principal & Part of the Recruiting task force | 360° Coaching

Hi! Transitioning from a pre-health background to life science consulting is not only possible, but your biology background can actually be a significant asset. Consulting firms, especially the big ones, strive to build diverse teams because it leads to better outcomes. For example, in my consulting company, we have someone with a background in physics, and I know many others in the industry with technical backgrounds like yours. Showing that you have the business acumen needed as a consultant will be key to your success. 

Here are some tips to help you strengthen your resume:

1. Highlight Relevant Skills: Even though your experience is clinical, emphasize transferable skills like data analysis, problem-solving, research, and any teamwork or leadership roles. Consulting firms value analytical and communication skills, regardless of the field.

2. Tailor Your Resume: Focus on restructuring your resume to align with consulting roles. Use bullet points that demonstrate your ability to solve complex problems, work in teams, and drive results. Highlight any projects or research that involved strategic thinking or project management.

3. Networking: Reach out to professionals in life science consulting for informational interviews. Networking can often open doors that online applications don’t.

4. Showcase Your Passion: In your cover letter and interviews, clearly articulate why you want to pivot to consulting and how your background can bring a unique perspective to the role.

5. Prepare for Case Interviews: Since you don’t have a formal business background, acing the case interview will be key. Take time to understand the basic business concepts and frameworks that underlie these cases. 

A well-crafted narrative can make all the difference. Good luck!

on Sep 02, 2024
#1 recommended coach | >95% success rate | most experience in consulting, interviewing, and coaching

Hi there,

First of all, I am sorry to hear about your negative experience with ClearView!

I would be happy to share my thoughts on your situation:

  • First of all, please feel free to contact me directly for either a free, cursory look at your resume or a paid, in-depth review. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give general advice on any particular resume.
  • Moreover, please bear in mind that there may be other factors that have led to you not receiving a response from ClearView. As such, it might be meaningful to have a more in-depth discussion about how to set up your applications for success.

You can find more on this topic here: How to deal with a rejection from a consulting company.

If you would like a more detailed discussion on your specific situation, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.



on Sep 02, 2024
1300 5-star reviews across platforms | 500+ offers | Highest-rated case book on Amazon | Uni lecturer in US, Asia, EU

Hi there,

Feel free to share your resume for a quick look and more targeted feedback.



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