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Need some consulting career advice post McKinsey (I'm currently a Consultant at McKinsey)

I have 2 options- join a familiar smaller consulting firm (but not so popular as MBB) with much higher salary (>$50K TC difference) or join BCG and give the consulting career another shot at Sr. consultant level. What to do?

Want to focus on consulting for now until I finally decide to leave and get a great exit.

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on Sep 14, 2024
Ex-BCG Principal | 8+ years consulting experience in SEA | BCG top interviewer & top performer


A couple of angles to consider as you make this decision.

  1. Building your abilities/skills/experience
    1. To me this is a function of project exposure, client exposure and internal teaming (i.e. are you exposed to individuals you can learn from)
    2. A smaller firm, by its very nature of being smaller, will have less variety of projects, client exposure and diversity of internal teaming. Often times smaller firms do however have a strong niche, which may or may not be to your liking
  2. Work culture
    1. This includes work life balance, how the internal teaming culture is like, travel etc.
  3. Internal opportunities
    1. BCG has several programs that are meant to promote diversity of experience and ability for you to try something different
      1. E.g. transfer office for 12 months
      2. E.g. seconded to focus on social impact
  4. Impact on exit options
    1. This to me is a function of branding/prestige, but also the alumni network
    2. Here the key question is which one would have greater recognition when you are trying to make the "great exit?"

Ultimately, the answer to your question will depend on what your definition of a 'great exit' is. If your 'great exit' can be achieved with a smaller firm, then there is arguably no need for MBB. But, all else considered, often times MBB sets you up way better for a 'great exit' than smaller firms - speaking from experience having switched from a T2 to MBB.

Hope this helps!


on Sep 15, 2024
#1 Coach for Sessions (4.500+) | 1.500+ 5-Star Reviews | Proven Success (➡ | Ex BCG | 10Y+ Coaching

Hi there,

Q: I have 2 options. Want to focus on consulting for now until I finally decide to leave and get a great exit.

From the goal you shared, it seems BCG would make more sense:

  1. Most likely more interesting/high profile consulting projects
  2. Better exits later on

Additionally, most likely the $50k/year difference won’t matter in the long run, if BCG allows you to have a better career path.

In general, I would consider the following to decide between multiple offers:

  • Where do you want to be in 5-10 years? Look at the company that can help you to achieve that goal faster. You can check LinkedIn for that (see below).
  • If you consider the average consultant/partner you talked to in each company, which one would you rather be? You will spend a lot of time with your colleagues in the next years - be sure you choose a company where the people are close to the person you want to become.
  • If money and prestige were not a consideration, which company would you choose? This could help you to identify additional elements to weigh you have not considered yet.

In terms of exits (for most people they are a very important factor to join a consulting company), you can check them as follows:

  1. Look for alumni of the two companies on LinkedIn
  2. Check how many moved to your preferred exits in your target region
  3. Normalize for the size of the companies in the region

If you want to do extra due diligence, contact Alumni of your university (not current consultants) who worked for the two companies (bonus if they worked for both companies). You will learn more in a 30-minute call with them than with any online research you may do.

Good luck!


on Sep 16, 2024
1300 5-star reviews across platforms | 500+ offers | Highest-rated case book on Amazon | Uni lecturer in US, Asia, EU

Hi there,

If your main goal is a better exit in the future, then staying at McKinsey is the best choice. The second-best choice would be the move to BCG.

All the best,


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