I finished my final round of interviews with McKinsey Tuesday and didn’t hear anything back yet. Is this normal and is this a bad sign? I know people who have heard back the day of. I reached out to the recruiter and they told me the following Monday is the latest I will find out.
How long does it take to hear back from McKinsey final round?

Hi there,
For me it was a very long and gruelling week. It's normal that it may take time. Give it a couple more days and if you don't hear anything by the end of the week, reach out to the recruiter. It's totally normal to be nervous and curious of how it went and the recruiters are aware of that.
What usually happens is that the interviewers were busy in the meantime and didn't get to connect on a call to discuss the hiring decision. But don't worry, they're not ghosting you :)

Hi Charles,
I don’t think you can derive anything yet.
- If they get back in 24-48h – it is usually a good sign (although McKinsey tends to be fast with both good and bad outcomes)
- If they get back within 1 week – unclear. Could be good or bad
- If they get back after 1 week – it is usually a bad sign
Finger crossed for you!

Hello Charles,
Congrats on doing McK Final round!
Don't worry, one week is typically the standard to hear back from the interview and get validation. Timing to receive a response depends if you were interviewing at the same time as many people, and if there were strong candidates.
A fast answer might be great or bad - the fact that you are still waiting means recruiters still be finalizing their choices. Take it chill and wait out - if you haven't heard anything on next Monday, ping the recruiter to ask if there are any updates.
Hope this helps and that you get a positive response soon!
Nicolas Vilmin from - Vilmin Coaching (Career & Consulting Coaching)

Don't worry about it, delays happen for a number of reasons! Not a sign of anything per se. Fingers crossed for you.

Hi Charles,
It could be as quick as the same day and it could be as long as several months.
The short answer is that as time goes on the odds are lower, but you shouldn't give up hope just because it has been less than one business week!

Hi Charles,
I have seen cases where offers and rejections were communicated between 1h and 1+ week after the interview.
It's probably true that based on some statistical average, offers are communicated earlier than rejections. However, this doesn't really mean anything in your case. Partners and HR may just be super busy and not find the time to align.
Everything is still possible!
Keeping our fingers crossed! Best of luck!

Hey there,
For most offices and positions it is instant up to 1 day. In certain cases
- interviewers are hard to reach
- other candidates are being interviewed
it might take up to two weeks.
My hunch is that you will hear from them early this week.
Fingers crossed!