Learn the Theory in the Case Interview Basics

Learn the case interview basics, practice with 200+ cases, and benefit from extensive test materials, and interactive self-study tools.

Case Interview Basics

In our Case Interview Basics we have put together everything you need to know about case interviews in various articles. Our primary goal is to equip you with comprehensive theoretical knowledge and best-practice methodologies that enable you to crack any single case you can think of. In total, you can read through 50 relevant articles that are categorized in the subject areas:

  • In Interview First Aid we have gathered the most important information about the interview in general (cases, personal fit, analytical tests such as PST).
  • Within Case Cracking we provide you with concrete advice about specific case types (e.g. market sizing) and introduce priceless tools that allow you to perfectly structure your case.
  • The area Business Concepts includes proven analyses that help you solve all kind of problems. In addition, you can find a glossary about business terms that are commonly used.

These areas combined cover all nuances within a case interview so that you should master all the basics once you fully completed our Case Interview Basics.

Our case interview basics will teach you everything you need to know about case interviews.
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