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Wie offen ist Ihr Unternehmen für Quereinsteiger? Welche Tipps zu Einstiegsmöglichkeiten für Geisteswissenschaftler*innen?

Ich bin studierte Kunsthistorikerin und bringe wichtige Qualifikationen für die Beratung mit. Leider werde ich oft schnell aussortiert, weil ich keinen wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Hintergrund mitbringe. Mir stellt sich oft die Frage, wie offen die Beratung für Quereinsteiger aus den Geisteswissenschaften wirklich sind und welche Tipps es für die Bewerbung gibt? 

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on Mar 08, 2024
Senior Consultant

Hi Rebecca,

Thank you so much for your question.

As a matter of fact, I didn't study business in my bachelor, I was a trained Human geographer and urban planner. So I fully understand where your concern is from. Based on my past experience, I think most companies are quite open to candidates with different background, but it's also important for us to show certain business acumen and communication skills in the recruiting process.

I would recommend you start with an internship that's more “business-relevant” and participate in different networking events as an ice-breaker.


At DHLC, we actually have colleagues from different major and background, e.g. Medicine, Liberal Arts, Philosophy, etc. This is also an important part of our culture and key elements to bring in more creativity in our work :) 


Hope this helps!




on Mar 08, 2024
Senior Consultant

Hi Rebecca,

While it is true that most of our colleagues have either business or engineering backgrounds, ECON is open to having people with different perspectives. If you have experience and skills such as analytical skills, structured communication skills, and a solution-oriented workstyle, I would encourage you to highlight these in your application, even without the ‘typical’ business degree.

You can also use the speed recruiting event next week to get to know us better!



P.S. I also have a degree in history of art 😉

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