Im Kontext der aktuellen Entwicklungen im Energiebereich und der wachsenden Bedeutung von erneuerbaren Energien interessiere ich mich dafür, wie Beratungsunternehmen innovative Lösungen entwickeln, um Kunden bei der Umstellung auf nachhaltige Energiequellen zu unterstützen.
"Könnten Sie einen Einblick in die aktuellen Projekte im Bereich ESG-Beratung oder Digitalisierung?

Hi, thanks for the question.
Without giving insights into specific projects, I can say that many of our projects focus directly or indirectly on sustainability issues. As EON's in-house consultancy, we make sure that our priorities and projects support the group in the best possible way, and two of the core pillars are sustainability and digitalization. Topics range from e-mobility to ensuring our customers can connect to green energy.
In addition, our consultants dedicate some of their time to improving E.ON Inhouse Consulting itself. We are a diverse bunch, passionate about different things, and together we work to continuously improve our company and the way we work. So whether you're passionate about sustainability, digitalization or other aspects such as diversity or mentoring, you'll most likely be able to incorporate that into your life at ECON.
I hope this helps!