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Anonymous A
on Mar 08, 2024

Gibt es bei euch ein Mentoring-Programm?

Hallo zusammen,

ich wollte mal nachfragen, ob in eurem Unternehmen ein Mentoring-Programm existiert. Falls ja, könntet ihr mir sagen, wie es aufgebaut ist und welche Erfahrungen ihr damit gemacht habt? Ich bin daran besonders interessiert, weil ich mir die ersten Wochen im Consulting echt schwierig vorstelle.

Vielen Dank für eure Insights!

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Top answer
on Mar 08, 2024
Senior Consultant

Hi there,

Thank you so much for your question!

So I think there are two things in your question: 1) Mentorship program to help new consultants accerlerate career development; 2) Onboarding sessions to help new consultant familiarize with all the technical skills and way of working in a consulting firm.

For both, DHLC offers great solutions and support to all new joiners:

1) You will have a personal developer from Day 1, who is part of the company leadership team, helping you throughout your development journey at DHL Consulting (even for Interns!)

2) We have a comprehensive onboarding program for the first week, incl. explaining our way of working, introduction to different support team, technical set-up, etc.; In addition, we also offer regular basic consulting skills trainings for all new full time new joiners. I am one of the lead facilitators of this training and I can only recommend it ;) Afterwards, your hard & soft skills will be sharpened to help you become a successful consultant at DHLC!


Hope this helps!




edited on Mar 15, 2024

Good morning, 

a very good questions which I also had when deciding for a work place after university. 

At ECON we have several programms which shall support you during your first weeks but also support you in developing and growing yourself along the journey you embark: 


1. Buddy: Everyone who starts is assigned a Buddy which is someone at ECON on the same level as you start but has been with the company for a while. This is a very informal setting so all questions can be asked and tipps and tricks shared. 

2. Development Leader (DL): This person is more senior compared to the role you are starting in and can be seen as a mentor or coach. However, how the relationship really looks like and what you would like to get out of it truly depends on you. Per se this is a bit less informal - I for example discuss my Perfomance Feedback with my DL to get tipps and tricks from him but I also exchange with him on my general development and career path. 

3. Women@ECON: Our female community were we meet once a quarter - So everyone is happy to exchange with you over a coffee chat. 

4. Trainings Week: After joining you will have one week on intensive training which equipes you very well with the basic tool kits you need in the beginning. 

I am in regular exchange with my Buddy, DL and in the Women@ECON Community and this truly made my start at ECON very smooth and is still a major value add after being with the firm for some time now. Most importantly everyone at ECON is eager to help at any time and especially is happy to support you during your first weeks.

on Mar 10, 2024
Senior Consultant


at INVERTO we have several options to support our consultants in the best way possible.

1) Buddy-Program: Within your first year at INVERTO, you will get a buddy (another consultant/senior consultant) who is working for Inverto since a while and supports you in all formal and informal matters, e.g. support in doing your travel expenses/time bookings, share insights about past projects, etc. Once per quarter you have a lunch with your buddy, which is paid by INVERTO. 

2) Mentorship Program: For all female senior consultants upwards, you benefit from choosing a mentor who is in a more senior position and gives you interesting insights and sparring on all your questions and advises you how to build up your career.

3) Career Advisor: You will get an assigned person in a higher rank, who consolidates the feedback from all your projects and supports you in regular sessions to build up your career. Based on your received project feedback you develop together your key improvement and strengths areas to enable your development in the best way possible.  

All options are extremely helpful to get settled within the first weeks and build up your long-term career path at INVERTO.



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