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Coffee pads

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Case Prompt

Your client is the CEO of Wiehle, a major household appliance manufacturer. It has been decided that a coffee machine should be added to the product line. The question is how this coffee machine should be designed: either to exclusively use Wiehle pads or to be compatible with the pads of existing third-party providers as well?

Sample structure

I. Structure

How would you structure the query?

II. Explain forecast

What explanations do you have for the tables provided?

III. Profit comparison

In which scenario will the client make more profit?

IV. Risks

How many risks does the decision for the non-compatible option entail?

V. Third year

Without making precise calculations: What outcomes do you expect for the two scenarios in the third year?

VI. Concluding Recommendation

What is your recommendation regarding the original question?

Further Questions

What is the profit margin of scenario 1 in the first year?

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