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Company case by Oliver Wyman

Oliver Wyman Case: Setting up a Wine Cellar

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Case Prompt

I’m thinking about setting up a wine cellar in my basement. The way I see it, shelf space would be divided into two sections: (1) a “drinking” section where I store bottles for my own consumption and (2) an “investment” section where I store bottles that I intend to sell at a profit after they appreciate in value several years down the line. The idea is to earn enough money with the “investment” section of the cellar in order to subsidize whatever I consume in the “drinking” section over time.  

I'm obviously constrained by several things: the amount of money I am able to spend, the amount of wine I can (or want to) drink, the space available for the cellar, and so on.

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Sample Structure

I. Background

II. Analysis - Key question 1: What will be the size of my cellar (in number of bottles) over time?

II. Analysis - Key question 2: What are the economics of the cellar over time in terms of money earned and money spent?

III. Concluding observations

Further Questions

What would happen if I had to get external funding (e.g. a bank loan) for this enterprise? What would an unsecured personal loan cost me, and how does this affect the economics of the cellar?

How would you incorporate the time value of money or other opportunity costs?

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