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Expert case by Raj
LightFast - Launching high-speed broadband in Indonesia
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Your client is the CSO of LightFast, a Middle-Eastern telecoms and media player. They are a national incumbent player who expanded operations into South-East Asia and North Africa in late 2010s. Their operations in Indonesia include pay-TV and fibre-optic broadband. However, the broadband business has flat-lined since launch.
LightFast is now looking to reset its Indonesian subsidiary and has asked you to advise them on whether they should re-launch or close operations.
They would like you to advice on the size of the opportunity if they were to re-launch in Y1, estimate the expected payback period and then highlight key considerations to make a go/no-go decision.
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This is a candidate-led case based on a real-life engagement. It is a typical case for Strategy& unstructured cases but can be applied to McKinsey interviewee-led too.
There are three parts to the case