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>200,000 employees worldwide
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Company Case by Deloitte
Company case by Deloitte
Duraflex is a German footwear company with annual men’s footwear sales of approximately €1 b.They have always relied on the boot market for the majority of their volume. In this market they compete with three other major competitors.In the fall of 2019, Badger – one of Duraflex’s competitiors – laun
Duraflex is a German footwear company with annual men’s footwear sales of approximately €1 b.They have always relied on the boot market for the majority of their volume. In this market they
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Events with Deloitte
Deloitte: Workshop Sustainable Future
April 23rd
Application end date:
April 1st, 2025
Du interessierst dich für Nachhaltigkeit und ESG-Themen und möchtest im Rahmen des Workshops Sustainable Future erste Einblicke in die vielfältigen Facetten des Nachhaltigkeitsmanagements erhalten? Entfalte gemeinsam mit unseren Deloitte Sustainabili... (Read more)
Deloitte: AI Career Webcast Series #4: "How AI is disrupting the financial services industry"
April 9th
Registration end date:
April 9th, 2025
Wie verändert KI die Finanzbranche? Mit der wachsenden Verbreitung von KI entstehen spannende Karrierechancen an der Schnittstelle von Finanzen und Technologie. Bei Deloitte setzen unsere Expert:innen bereits heute auf innovative KI-Lösungen, um den ... (Read more)