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Why is there a delay in finding put my outcome?

I have had 3 interviews with this company. The first two I learnt of my outcome in 2 days which happened to also be 2 business days. I did my third case study interview on Thursday and thought. I would hear back Monday but did not. If I passed this interview I am meant to have one more interview and if that interview happens it has to be pretty soon as the start date is the end of September.


Since I applied a month after the application window opened some people have finishes their interviews and got offers which makes me think they reached all the max number of people.


I know that delays can happen if interviewers had not yet convened but I only had one interviewer. The main recruiter has not replied message asking for a rough timeline. Has this happened to anyone?

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on Sep 11, 2024
xMcKinsey & Company | xBCG - feel free to schedule a 15 min intro call for free

Hey :) 

Delays in hearing back after interviews can happen for several reasons, even if previous responses were quick. Common reasons include:

  • Internal discussions or scheduling: Even with one interviewer, decisions may need input from others or approval from higher-ups.
  • Other candidates: The company could be reviewing or comparing multiple candidates before moving forward.
  • Recruiter availability: The recruiter may be busy or dealing with internal processes, which could delay responses.

It's likely not a negative sign. If you don't hear back soon, it’s okay to follow up again politely for clarity.



on Sep 11, 2024
1300 5-star reviews across platforms | 500+ offers | Highest-rated case book on Amazon | Uni lecturer in US, Asia, EU

Hi there,

I know it's a stressful period to wait for the replies. It can also happen due to other reasons, the 2 most common are:

  • Even one interview has to communicate the decision to HR which already includes two potential delay sources
  • They are waiting for other candidates to finish their interviews as well

Fingers crossed!


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