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What's the best way to know about networking events for experienced hires in Europe?

I am an female experienced hire and I would like to know if there is a better way to network rather than cold emails. Any website/facebook pages/instagaram? Someone suggested me that  on Preplounge there is a section on that (if yes, where this section is?). Any other suggestions would be highly appreciated! Thank you!

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on Mar 26, 2018
Principal BCG, Bain and A.T. Kearney / 200+ real interviews

Hi Ornella,

That’s an interesting question. There are several options to get in touch with consulting firms (and ultimately get your profile considered for an interview):

  • Attend university recruiting events and/or workshops: constantly check for these with your university – if your studying abroad (outside Europe) this kind of events will still be very useful to meet local consultants from your target firms who can share your profile with the office in your wished geography
  • Use your University alumni network: if you are attending a target university, just ask for a reference to your career office
  • Attend consulting firm events: consulting firms organize several events for undergrad, graduates and experienced hires (check for these on their official websites, social network pages and social network groups)
  • Join/support local consulting club in Europe: some of them are not exclusive to home students
  • Get introduced by a personal/professional contact: you can easily map your 2nd degree connections via Linkedin (given that you are an experienced hire, it is important to talk directly to the principals/partners)
  • If you have the chance to simulate a mock interview with a consultant/former consultant ask to be introduced to the recruiting team of your target firm
  • Make cold calls/emails: they are an option but I would not recommend them (recruiting team and consultants are usually very busy)

I hope this helps,

Best of luck,


on Mar 27, 2018
McKinsey / Accenture Alum / Got all BIG3 offers / Harvard Business School


Here are some tips on consulting networking. You can do several things:

1) Leverage your own network - find friends or friends of friends who can practice cases with you or make you a reference.

2) Attend company events. Consulting companies do a lot of events both for graduates and experienced hires. Find the social network groups related to consulting or websites, subscribe to newsletters and stay tuned. Also, check if they have events in your University since you are a PHD.

While some of the events will be open to everyone, others will require a resume and a cover letter, so make sure to prep.

3) Talk to people on the events and send Thank You notes. After each event, there is a Q&A session where you can talk to consultants 1 on 1 or in a group. Ask for contact info or send a thank you note after the event ("I just wanted to thank you for visiting our University... It was especially interesting to hear about... Would be happy to keep in touch and apply in the nearest future.). Alternatively, you may use linkedin for that. If you are an experienced hire I strongly suggest to ask for a 1 on 1 meeting in a thank you note.

4) 1 on 1 meetings. All people like giving an advice. So don't hesitate to ask consultants for a career advice. Tell your story and ask how consulting fits into it

5) Mock interview Depending on where you are in your prep process you may ask a consultant for a mock interview. Consultants are very much opened to help even if it is a cold call e-mail. The main problem is a lack of time on their side. So don't be afraid to remind about yourself if the consultant has already committed but finds it hard to find the time

6) Talking to partners If you are an experienced hire I suggest to talk directly to the partners in your industry or the partner responsible for experienced hires (in consulting partners also have additional roles). Get an intro from the HR or from your friends working there. Partners care a lot about experienced hires with relevant industry expertise

7) If you are an MBA graduate Just talk to your section mates and ask for a reference or a mock interview - they will be happy to help. Make sure you attend all the consulting events.

Good luck!

on Mar 27, 2018

Hey Ornella,

Shamless advertisement to McKinsey, but this is by far one of the best networkin g events for (female) aspiring consultants :) - Next Generation Women Leaders



on Mar 27, 2018
NGWL is for young female professionals!
on Mar 27, 2018

Hi Ornella,

thanks for asking your question on our Consulting Q&A!

Unfortunately, we don't have a section dedicated to networking with companies on PrepLounge. Maybe the person was talking about our PrepGroups where you can network and prep with other candidates for the same firms?

Anyway, as you are an experienced hire, this might not be what you're looking for.

So I hope that the advice from our experts has helped you and that you will be able to increase your network!

All the best,


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