I'm new to preplounge and wondered if there are any cases that are a good fit for an interview at Simon-Kucher & Partners (for an internship). They send me an invitation and it says something like:
-2x 1h interviews with brainteasers and case studies
-prepare a short presentation on 1) a product you think has a good marketing strategy and explain why and 2) why simon-kucher
So I already know how to answer 2) and would consider myself as pretty good at brainteasers but I have never done a Case. In addition to that, I only have 3 days left to prepare.
What preparation ways would you recommend? I thought about:
1. start with beginner cases on pricing and marketing (SKP)
2. what do I need to know about pricing and marketing (important basics?)
3. move on to regular level cases
4. if time, try to solve and read some advanced cases
Maybe someone here has experiences with SKP Internship Interviews? The Interview is in the cologne office, Germany.
Thank you and have a nice evening!