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Strategy Consultancy
Bonn, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Köln +4 others
>2,000 employees worldwide
Process Management, Supply Chain Management, Marketing & Sales, Digitization, M&A, Pricing, Strategy
Automotive, Banking, Energy, IT, Lifescience & Healthcare, Machinery & Equipment, Tourism, Transportation & Logistics, Finance, FMCG & Retail, Industrial Goods, Telekommunications & Media

Company Case by Simon-Kucher

Company case by Simon-Kucher
Cruise company German Sea Tours (GST) is a successful operator of international cruises. GST currently offers several cruise trips, lasting between 5 and 24 days. Additional services can be booked on board (e.g. excursions at each destination, onboard leisure activities). Customers tend to book thei ... Cruise company German Sea Tours (GST) is a successful operator of international cruises. GST currently offers several cruise trips, lasting between 5 and 24 days. Additional services can be ... (Open whole case)
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