Hi all,
As I am investing a lot of time and effort to be prepared for the consulting career in MBB (and hopefully get the offer!), there is one thing that worries me a lot, and that thing is the work-life balance.
I am nearing my thirties, having spent past 6 years on getting the experience from FTSE100 and Fortune 100 companies to have a good future ahead of me, and currently doing an MBA with a plan to join management consulting afterwards. I am, however, not prepared to "give my life to the company" anymore, as I feel I've done enough of that during my twenties (although for different companies).
I would like to enjoy life more after MBA, i.e. meet friends at least once/twice a week, plan vacations for months ahead with my partner (pun not intended), and enjoy my weekends. Can that actually happen at MBB, or is it a constant grind? If not, is there an alternative post-MBA provided that I secure an internship in summer (e.g. in big-tech)?
For context - I am based in Europe, and my professional experience is concentrated around operations, project management (IT and Infrastructure) and supply chain
Thank you!