I have two questions for the case interviews:
1. Is there a general approach to quickly structure a problem? For example, are there specific first level buckets that work well for various problems? I read about the integrated business framework (https://www.preplounge.com/uploads/media/media-1645010240-qd4amlu193id/Top%205%20Most%20Common%20Case%20Interview%20Types.pdf) but I am not sure how to use it when structuring a problem.
2. Is there a way to practice the structuring alone so that I am getting better and importantly, quicker in coming up with a structure?
3. Cases typically consist of a qualitative and quantitative part. In my first mock interviews I drafted my structure and explained it but then quickly started to ask for data for the different buckets I had. However, my interviewer partners typically pushed back and said to stay qualitative at the beginning, we will look at the data later. Is there a convention on how to approach a case: first qualitatively explain the strcuture and qualitatively dig deeper. And only start for asking for data when the interviewers ask me to do so? Or is there a specific trigger point when I should start for asking for data?
Thanks for helping