I have 3 months until i start at MBB.
I am relatively free for these few months and have the plan of getting my health and fitness in order before I start working just so that it becomes a routine for life.
* I know people will tell me to wait for the official training and probably enjoy this time off, but I honestly can't and just want to get ahead! *
Question: On the work side, what can I do between now and my start date to be fully equipped with consulting skills.
I am asking for advice on:
- Excel: what should I learn, any courses people suggest? What key tools
- Powerpoint: Same as above
- Any other tools I need to learn?
- News articles and Industry reports: What source of news do consultants use on a daily and weekly basis? Are there any particular industry reports or magazines they read regularly? Is there any app that you'd recommend?
- Books that you recommend? : I already have Florian's consulting career secrets that I will start soon. A partner at my future firm also recommended pyramid principle. 80/20 principle, and say it with charts…..as a starting point. Any other that you'd recommend?
-Anything else I can do prior to starting that will ensure I am prepared in terms of skills for the role?
Thank you in advance!