Is there any YouTube videos about the actual game play and if yes can you send me the link or video name
Mckinsey redrock study
Hi there,
Q: Mckinsey Redrock Study. Is there any YouTube video about the actual game play and if yes can you send me the link or video name
If you do a quick search on YouTube you can find a few videos, although no real guide/explanation of the strategies to apply.
If you are interested to learn how to play the McKinsey Redrock, you can find in the video simulation below:
- 23 videos showing how to crack the Ecosystem Game in less than 25 minutes (instead of the recommended 35) and prepare for the 4 Phases of the new Redrock Study (including tips for the new Case section)
- 10 Redrock Case Test questions with solutions, to practice in advance for that game
- PDF guide with all 6 possible games and how to crack each of them
You can check the video simulation at the following link (full disclosure, I am the author):
▶ McKinsey Solve Video Simulation
For any questions please drop me a message, I will reply within 12 hours.
Not sure if there's a (good) YouTube step-by-step, but I would highly recommend checking out MConsultingPrep and Coach Francesco's PSG Secrets for simulations of the actual game that are as close to the real format as you can get.
You can do that search at google or Bing (for example using the AI searching tool).
The most basic skill we're looking for in a consultant is to be resourceful… doesn't make much sense to come to a forum to ask other people to do a search for you…
Hi there!
Yes, there are examples but we can't share here links that lead outside the platform.
I'm sure that you can find them rather easily if you search for them on youtube.
Also, heavily consider getting one of the guides. They make navigating the game significantly easier.
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Hi there,
In a sense…there are videos that walk you through at a high level, but, ultimately, you get what you pay for. If you're serious about passing, I would recommend any of the following:
- MConsultingPrep's simulation
- Francesco's guide
- My live video recordings (8 videos where I play the games live and talk you through how to win)
Hi there,
suggest you look into the coaching resources here on the platform or the MConsulted simulation. These will give you best chance of passing.
Regards, Andi