Hi guys,
I just started to study for the case interview and began with the profitability problems (as many of you suggested), and I do have a couple of questions regarding the framework...
1. I'm studying with the case library and found that the 'structure' given in those cases is pretty different from the ones typicall used - they use terms like prioritization, strategy, and even background, which don't sound like components belong to a framwork...
2. I know that it's basically needed for every profitability case to have cost and revenue analysis, but how about competitors? Some have competitor analysis right after profit analysis as you need to benchmark competitors to see what they are doing right, while some cases, like the 'Chewing Gum' one, don't really have a competition analysis. I'm a bit confused that, since we are structuring framework before we get all the info, we actually don't know where this whole thing will go to - then how to determine which components to include? How to decide whether we will need a competition analysis?
This is like my very first day of case prep so please excuse if you think I'm asking bad questions. Any inputs would be appreciated!