It's a 2 hour interview schedule with one hour to go through docs and prepare a presentation . The next one hour to present the ppt and answer questions. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi , i am looking for some written cases that can help me with the baringa case interview.
Hi there,
First, good luck!
I recommend the following:
- Remember that most casing tips apply here (i.e. be very clear+focused on the objective, ruthlessly cut out information that doesn't help you meet this objective/question, make sure to thinking + communicate in a structured way, etc. etc.)
- Practice/simulate this as much as possible beforehand...getting a coach to help you run through scenarios + how to react in inevitably challenging moments will do a world of good.
I have a number of written case I'd be more than happy to share with you! What I generally do with my candidates is, give them a written case x hours before our scheduled session (adjust # of hours based on the specific interview they're going to have), and then review their work during the session (as well as talk through tips+tricks to get better).
Other helpful Q&As
Hi there,
in addition to the other comments, find below some example cases that are also suitable for the written case format:
Happy to help, so feel free to send me direct message. I am familiar with Baringa's process and can give you written cases- but this will be via a coaching session only.
If you are looking for tips on how to prepare, check out this thread: