Hello, I recently participated in McKinsey's online assessment game. For the first game, the ecosystem game, while I was able to get all 8 species correctly, I went (2-3) minutes over the time required. The game indicated that I could submit my results. Does anyone know if this has any impact on the results?
Going Over Time in Ecosystem game

Hi there,
It will have a small impact on the process score. If everything else is correct and you finished the other game (or 2 games if you also had the Ocean Cleanup) it should be fine.
All the best,

Hi! From my experience at MBB and talking to candidates, going slightly over time in the ecosystem game isn't necessarily a dealbreaker, especially if you got all species correctly. The assessment looks at both accuracy and efficiency, so while timing matters, the fact that you completed it correctly is a strong point. Feel free to reach out if you'd like more insights—happy to help!

Hey there,
I've had my coachees going over time in ecosystem game and making it up in other aspects and still being successful. So the short answer is that it is not a disqualifying feature on its own. However, it may impact your process score to some degree (i'm just not sure the magnitude of that impact)
If you did well in the other areas, you should be fine! :-)
All the best

Hi Youssef,
First of all, congratulations on the progress in the application process with McKinsey thus far!
I would be happy to share my thoughts on your question:
- With the McKinsey Solve pre-interview assessment, there seems to be no wiggle room when it comes to timing. What do you mean by "going over time"?
You can find more on this topic here: How to succeed in the final interview round.
If you would like a more detailed discussion on how to best prepare for your upcoming McKinsey interviews, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.