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Are there any online courses to help prepare for MBB case interview?

I'm currently interesting in MC and want to improve my skills in case interview. Can you recommend me some courses or materials that I can learn from?


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on May 01, 2020
McKinsey | NASA | top 10 FT MBA professor for consulting interviews | 6+ years of coaching

Hi, there are 4 aspects of the application process you have to focus on:

  • CV and cover letter: prepare impactful documents that highlight your achievements, skills, and motivation.
  • Test: you should understand if your office assesses candidates with PST, SHL or Imbellus, since every McK office can use one of these 3 standards.
  • Personal Experience Interview: fit and CV questions to assess your personal impact, leadership skills, and entrepreneurial spirit. You should prepare impactful stories about your experiences that cover these 3 main pillars.
  • Case Interview: typical business case to evaluate your structure in approaching problems, problem-solving skills, and business sense. This is the most time-demanding aspect to work on. I recommend reading Cosentino's Case in point to fix the theory and it is enough. Then, what will be really important is practicing mock cases with other candidates here on Preplounge.

Hope it helps,

on Apr 20, 2020

Hi there,

I purchased E2E program by Mconsulting Prep 2 weeks ago and so far the course is worth of money. The materials are well organized and it even has clear study plans for you. Also the case interview videos are lots of fun and insightful. I used to have problems with math but the way of teaching in this course is really easy to understand and it doesn't feel frustrated at all. Even their free videos on youtube are helpful for a beginner. You should check it out.

Good luck!

on Apr 20, 2020
I agreed. At first I didn't know where to start. Then a friend recommended this program and it turned out beyond my expectation. And this web also provide discount up to 35% when you fill in their financial aids form. This makes the course affordable.
on Apr 19, 2020

There are tonnes of them out there. I will suggest that you start by listening to Case Interview podcast by Firmsconsulting anywhere you get your podcast. 

That said, as you try to sieve through the numerous resources that others will eventually recommend to you, I will advise that you keep the following filters in mind: 

  1. It should start with basic business concepts, estimations and brainstorming. The confidence that emanates from knowing you can attack any strange interview and do well comes from resources that start and goes in-depth on the basics.
  2. It dissuades you from memorizing frameworks: Like humans, each business case is unique that trying to force-fit a framework will only lead you to sound mechanical or worst still answering the wrong question.
  3. It should base its thinking and resources on people who make final decisions.
  4. It should be inclusive enough to address candidates with absolutely challenging profiles and help them get into MBB.
  5. It is exhaustive: it leaves you feeling like you don't need any other resource to work with.

I wish you the best!

edited on Apr 19, 2020
Senior Consultant BCG New York, Sydney & Moscow | INSEAD & Wharton MBA |Official Interviewer | Time Flexible

Hi there,

As for online courses specifically I'd say Victor Cheng's workshops are pretty clear and helpful ( There's also a number of audio recordings of case examples with his feedback and explanations called Look Over My Shoulder, quite popular among candidates.

However, the most helpful for me at first were the books: Case in Point (ideal in the very beginning, very simple and clear with lots of short cases), Crack the Case and Ace the Case.

And, most importantly, it's all about practice in the end. Once you get the usual case structures, it's best to get face-to-face case experience (or via video these days), that'll be the closest to the real interview experience.

Hope this helps, feel free to reach out if you have further questions!

Best regards,

Deleted user
edited on May 06, 2020

Dear A,

There are lot of courses and materials, for example Case Books from business schools like London Business School, Higher Business School as well as Casing Point by Cosentino and, of course, LOMS by Victor Cheng. 

If you need any help or some of these materials, feel free to reach out. 



on Apr 30, 2020
9 years experience in MBB| 8 years experience as MBB interviewer | Free intro call


For beginner, Victor Cheng's book and LOMS audios are a great start. 

Once you get the basics, it would be better to choose courses that is not just 1-way, but have interactions e.g. courses conducted by a real person who can answer your questions, with coaching and practices that can help you diagnose improvement areas and guide you how to make those improvements. 



on Apr 20, 2020
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut


There are plenty and normally they are worth the money, as you can see some people saying here. 

However, the issue is that they are not tailored to you, but standard. 

I would suggest you to best invest that money in working with a coach who can tailor the prep you in particular: your strenghts and weaknesses, diagnosing what makes you struggle, etc. 

Hope it helps!



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