Hi, I'll be starting as an associate at a MBB firm in the US 5 months from now. I'm currently working, but as a volunteer and with a lot of free time. I want to use my free time more productively and I have a few options I'm considering, and I'd love to get some advice.
- Do some kind of Microsoft office course to prep for the work. I've been out of college for 2 years now and haven't touched Powerpoint or Excel since. I'm a bit worried about being behind once I start.
- Study for the GRE. I want to do an MPP and/or MBA after 2 years in consulting, and figured this could be a good time to get it out of the way. I'm not totally familiar with the support given to associates studying for grad school exams, but I can't imagine I would have much time for this once I've started the job.
- Enjoy my time, invest in hobbies.
I've been living outside of the US for awhile now in a country with a very laid back work culture. It's really hard for me to fathom jumping into 60hr+ work weeks, and I'm split between preparing myself to make sure I hit the ground running versus making the most of the time I have left. I'd appreciate any insight. Thanks so much.