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zeb Consulting

Strategy Consultancy
Münster, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg +3 others
>1,000 employees worldwide
Change Management, Digitization, Restructuring & Turnaround, Strategy, Finance, IT & Cyber, M&A, Marketing & Sales, Organization, Pricing, Process Management, Procurement, Supply Chain Management
Banking, Finance

Company Case by zeb Consulting

Company case by zeb Consulting
The bank "His Earlship Charles", a domestic retail and private bank is in a difficult situation. Profits have been declining over the past years due to the ongoing low interest rates set by the central bank. Additionally, the bank is suffering from a decreasing number of customers. The board of dire ... The bank "His Earlship Charles", a domestic retail and private bank is in a difficult situation. Profits have been declining over the past years due to the ongoing low interest rates set by ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
4.5k Ratings

Events with zeb Consulting

zeb Consulting: Female Shadowing Days Frankfurt

   October 10th - October 11th, 2024
Application end date: September 22nd, 2024

Du interessierst dich für eine Karriere im Consulting, bist dir jedoch unsicher, wohin es für dich nach deinem Studium gehen soll? Dann begleite eine unserer Beraterinnen und wirf einen Blick hinter die Kulissen bei zeb. Erlebe den Alltag als Berater... (Read more)

zeb Consulting: Bagels & Beratung: Einblick in die Consulting-Welt (Women's Edition)

   October 22nd
Registration end date: October 17th, 2024

Du interessierst dich für den Einstieg in eine Unternehmensberatung und möchtest in einer entspannten Atmosphäre mehr über den Alltag als Beraterin bei zeb erfahren? Dann ist unsere diesjährige Eventreihe "Network-Boost" genau das Richtige für dic... (Read more)

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