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Career & Job Application at Stern Stewart & Co.

Stern Stewart & Co.

Strategy Consultancy
>100 employees worldwide
Finance, M&A, Organization, Process Management, Strategy
Automotive, Energy, Finance, FMCG & Retail, Industrial Goods, Lifescience & Healthcare, Public Services, Telekommunications & Media, Transportation & Logistics

Company Case by Stern Stewart & Co.

Company case by Stern Stewart & Co.
The sporting goods manufacturer TIGER SE which is broadly positioned in Germany wants to increase its sales.The company is fully integrated along its value chain which means that the sporting goods are manufactured in-house and then sold to end consumers through its own distribution c ... The sporting goods manufacturer TIGER SE which is broadly positioned in Germany wants to increase its sales.The company is fully integrated along its value chain which means t ... (Open whole case)
Times solved
300+ Ratings

Events with Stern Stewart & Co.

Stern Stewart & Co.: MINT MASTER MINDS

   October 17th
Application end date: October 1st, 2024

Stell dir vor, du stehst am Anfang einer Reise, die deine analytischen Fähigkeiten, deine Kreativität und deinen Wissensdurst in ein spannendes Abenteuer verwandelt. Du willst reale Probleme lösen und in dynamischen Teams Großes bewegen. Was wäre, we... (Read more)


   October 23rd - October 25th, 2024
  München / Neuschwanstein
Application end date: October 6th, 2024

Entdecke die Welt des Consultings mit unserem exklusiven Frauen-Workshop! Es erwarten dich 2 ganz besondere Tage: Wir starten in unserem Office in München und nehmen euch danach mit ins wunderschöne Ameron Hotel bei Schloss Neuschwanstein! Tauche ei... (Read more)

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