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Anonymous A
on Feb 15, 2019

What main challenge is thyssenkrupp facing at the moment?

Hi Linda,

you mentioned that TKMC is facing every challenge that thyskenkrupp is facing, too. So I was wondering, what exactly are the main challenges that the company is dealing with at the moment :)

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Top answer
on Feb 17, 2019
Senior Consultant

Besides the “normal” challenges all big industry companies are facing at the moment like volatile markets, strong price competition, digitalization etc. thyssenkrupp is going to one of the biggest changes of a Dax 30 company. One the one hand the Joint Venture and on the other hand the split of the company. I think you do not often get the opportunity to experience and  shape such a big transformation process. We as tkmc are heavily involved in this transformation and supporting the company to successfully move forward.

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