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Math and Formulas: Economic and Financial concepts for MBB interviews

12 Reviews
Master the must-know economic, financial, markets and pricing concepts for consulting interviews
Don’t learn the theory: learn how to apply it to cases
Complement your prep with 6 detailed case interviews
USD 50

With this Product You Will Learn Economic and Financial Concepts

Many candidates preparing for consulting interviews don’t have an economic background, which makes the highly competitive case prep even more uphill. In fact, >40% of MBA candidates come from non-economic backgrounds, and they represent >50% of the candidate pool interviewing for consulting. 

I myself was one of them: I went through my McKinsey interviews when I was in my last undergrad year in Architecture. I had no idea of what a break even point was, and the word EBIDTA was just a bunch of letters for me. 

After +4 years of candidate coaching and university teaching, and after having seen hundreds of cases, I realized that the economic-related knowledge needed to master case interviews is not much, and not complex. However, you need to know where to focus! Hence, I created the guide that I wish I could have had, summarizing the most important economic and financial concepts needed to solve consulting cases, hoping to help candidates focus on what matters.

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The ‘Economic and Financial Concepts for MBB Interviews’ Guide

The guide will walk the candidates through the key economic and financial concepts needed to solve consulting case, combining key concepts theorical reviews and a hands-on methodology with examples and ad-hoc practice cases. 

Following the guide’s four core topics (Economic concepts, Financial concepts, Market structure & pricing and Marketing and Customer Acquisition), the candidate will interiorize and apply the handful of key concepts that appear in almost all consulting interview case, gaining focus, consistency and speed in his or her interview prep. 

Finally, the guide contains +25 full pages dedicated to case interviews following each key concept, color coding (1) prompt, (2) additional information and (3) detailed resolution to allow for solo practice and case review. 

This Is the Right Guide for You If You…

  • Don’t have an economic background and want to learn the must-knows without having to consult countless online sources, or without having to go through the first 20+ cases googling terms such as “CAPEX” or “NPV”
  • Have some economic knowledge, but want to deep-dive and focus on the concepts that are really needed in consulting interviews
  • Want to learn not only the theorical concepts, but they are applied in cases and why do they matter
  • Want to follow a straight forward methodology, leveraging exercises and cases to practice and interiorize every concept individually and as part of a consulting interview case
  • Want to have all materials in one single resource, saving time and ensuring consistency and accuracy


P. 1-13
  • Overview of consulting interviews and where economic and financial concepts are needed
  • Guide’s methodology, with topics prioritization in terms of time for preparation
Economic concepts
P. 14-37
  • Profitability equation
  • Break even
  • Valuation methods: economic, market and asset
  • Payback period
  • NPV
  • IRR
  • Practice case 1 – “highway privatization”: profitability, break even
  • Practice case 2 – “trains market entry I”
  • Practice case 3 – “retailer’s new shop”
Finance concepts
P. 37-57
  • Balance sheet
  • Income statement/P&L
  • Performance ratios: based on sales and based on investment
  • Practice case 4 – “coffins manufacturer”
Market structures and pricing
P. 58-74
  • Market types and characteristics
  • Perfect competition markets: demand and supply
  • Willingness to pay
  • Pricing approaches
  • Market segmentation
  • Price elasticity of demand: elastic vs. inelastic markets, positive and negative cross-elasticity of demand
  • Practice case 5 – “pricing a museum”
Marketing and customer acquisition
P. 75-85
  • Sales funnel
  • Key marketing metrics: CAC and CLV
  • Churn
  • Practice case 6 – “telco’s customer lifetime value”
Ready for the next step? Get the tools you need to support you on your journey into consulting!

About the Author

McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut

Clara started her career in McKinsey & Company, where she focused on Telco, Oil & Gas and Real Estate. She later joined the team that launched Amazon Business in Spain, where she is nowadays in charge of several capability building and coaching programs for the Spanish Marketplace department.

Clara teaches “Data Insights and Visualization” in the Master in Management at Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, where she has received the Teaching Excellence Award, as the best valued course by the students. She has also coached 150+ candidates on diverse platforms, such as PrepLounge. Furthermore, she is founder and president of the NGO Building their Future since 2015, focused on educational projects in Nairobi, Kenya.

Note for Finance Candidates

This product was originally created for consulting candidates to help them prepare for interviews and their career start. However, its content is perfectly transferable to other industries (e.g. finance) and provides valuable insights for all applicants.

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12 Reviews
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on Jul 13, 2023
I found the Economic and Financial Guide to be very helpful. As someone without a background in economics, it can be challenging to find relevant information from different sources. This guide simplified the learning process by providing all the necessary information in one concise booklet. It covers everything needed to feel confident in preparing economic, financial, pricing, and market acquisition questions for case interviews. The guide is well-structured and easy to understand, with helpful examples that aid in fully grasping the concepts and learning how to apply them effectively. Overall, this guide is an excellent resource for mastering key economic and financial concepts for case interviews in a short amount of time.
on Jul 11, 2023
by Clemens
Very solid guide, it's going to save me a lot of time looking for the different formulas and concepts. I also like that it has cases in which you use those formulas, so it's "applied". Def recommend
on Jul 23, 2023
by Asma
This guide is what I had been looking for, and I do have background in economics. It is really well structured in chapters, that are sub-divided by concepts, with cases to practice. The theory is broken down step by step and with examples. My favorite part is the break even explanation, I finally understood the different ways to arrive at the result, and which to apply depending on which data you have. I had been struggling with that! I recommend this guide even for people who have some economic background, but want to focus on what matters for the cases.
on Jul 18, 2023
by James
I have always felt that I needed to improve the way I approached the technical and case questions during my preparation. However, as much as I wanted to, I was never able to find a comprehensive, structured and concise guide. Everything I could find was separate and often opposed and vague advices on the internet. When I saw Clara's product, I did not doubt for a second to buy it as I had already purchased her fit guide one month ago and it was worth every Euro I spent on it. It's been literally one day since I bought it and I have already learnt all the business basics I have been struggling with in the last preparation months (breakevens, margins, price sensitivity...). At the end of the day, consulting preparation is not rocket science, you just need the correct amount of time, abilities AND MATERIAL. And I can say that this guide is really good material. Thanks again Clara!!!
on Jul 18, 2023
Incredibly useful. I am a bit overwhelmed by the amount of information it has - I suspected I had gaps in my knowledge about economic concepts for the cases, but not these many! What I like most is that it's the compilation of the concepts one needs to know for the cases. I was building my own by solving cases and noting down the key concepts and formulas, but I felt it was incomplete (and it was!) and it was giving me lots of anxiety not to know when the list was exhaustive enough. It always seemed that I had gaps! With the guide, I have a solid plan. Plus, it's really well explained and it has cases to show you how to put it into practice. Totally recommended
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