I fortunately have an assessment centre for Deloitte Monitor as well as a few other tier 2 firms. However, having done some LinkedIn networking, I was very surprised what I heard.
From very high level research it appears monitor are a strong strategy brand with interesting work. Yet when I spoke to people working there, it appears that the brand has been diluted and that Deloitte are trying to merge the strategy work with other consulting practises. This seemed to have knock on effects on the type of work (longer projects more implementation focused) and also the pay (which appears to be circa 20% lower than S& and EYP). I suppose more importantly, the people I spoke to seemed far less passionate about their work which was very different to speaking to MBB, OW S& consultants.
Has anyone got some insight if it would be stupid to pass on this opportunity? Is the monitor brand less strong than it was and may that impact my exit opportunities?
Note: I have a graduate offer for Simon-Kucher which I really enjoyed interning at so I am in the very fortunate position to be picky with who I interview for.
Hope that makes sense and many thanks in advance for your questions.
I also have a job offer for Simon-Kucher