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+600 Interviews | Free 30-min alignment call | Ex-Principal & Part of the Recruiting task force | 360° Coaching
Case structure & frameworks
Application support
Personal fit interview
English, German, Hindi, Italian
United Kingdom (UTC +1)
USD 249 / h
+600 Interviews | Free 30-min alignment call | Ex-Principal & Part of the Recruiting task force | 360° Coaching
Case structure & frameworks
Application support
Personal fit interview
USD 249 / h
0 Coachings
9 Q&A Upvotes
0 Awards
About Kairavee
Coaching Approach
Work Experience

9 years as a Principal and member of the management team. I was part of the Recruiting task force and participated in min 1 recruiting day per month for the last 9 years. My projects ranged from strategy to implementation in various industries and topics.

My coaching approach not only elevates your case interview skills to a top-notch level but also prepares you thoroughly for personal interviews, which carry significant weight. I am passionate about coaching and dedicated to bringing out the best in each individual, focusing on your unique strengths to help you achieve success. This is a team effort, and together, we will work towards achieving your goals

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Work Experience
Roland Berger
2014 - 2023
Master student
ESADE Business School
2012 - 2013
Coaching Offers
Coaching Packages
36 Reviews
3-10 coachings à 60 minutes with CoachingPlus experts
Plus a Premium Membership (6 months)
Your carefree case interview preparation package
from USD 549
Premium + Coaching
66 Reviews
Premium membership for one year
One coaching session included
Choose from 80+ coaches
USD 249
USD 199
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