PowerPoint for Consultants - Advanced (3/3)
Competitive Landscape & Benchmarking
Competitive Landscape & Benchmarking
Competitive Landscape - Variation 1
Competitive Landscape - Variation 2
Showcasing Processes
Showcasing Process Design
Process Design - Variation 1
Process Design - Variation 2
Process Design - Variation 3
Process Design - Variation 4
Timeline & Planning
Timeline and Execution Formatting
Timeline & Execution - Variation 1
Timeline & Execution - Variation 2
Timeline & Execution - Variation 3
Timeline & Execution - Variation 4
Timeline & Execution - Variation 5
Timeline & Execution - Variation 6
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Competitive Landscape & Benchmarking

We will now move on to another segment of showcasing the results of your analysis which is the competitive landscape. As you know, in our business framework we also analyze the competitive landscape, so we will go over some quick formatting variations. 

Variation 1: Comparing Competitors on a Single Slide 

When you work on the competitive landscape you often need to compare different companies with each other so in order to do that we use different formats. In this basic format we will use a table to compare different attributes of different competitors

This is a fairly basic and simple version of showcasing a competitive landscape analysis. You use the company logo instead of the name and then you decide which attributes to compare them for. Finally, we add in a sizing indicator moving from small-cap to large-cap players. The indicator is optional, but it adds a nice visual effect. 

Variation 2: Competitive Landscape on a Single Slide

This variation is similar to Variation 1, but we use a different format. Let's take a look.

This variation is a reverse of Variation 1 where we input the company logo's in the top rows horizontally. And the categories of comparison are on the vertical side. Pay attention to the design as we use different color schemes and we also added borders in the top row.

Now let's take a look at the videos on how to make these variations.

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