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What do you think constitutes successful teamwork?

Empathy; trust; open and honest feedback; clear team norms.

What everyone knows what to do and is on the same page in the process. Good communication.

On top of the insights already shared in the post, the "Integrated FIT guide for MBB" has been recently published in PrepLounge´s shop (
It provides an end-to-end preparation for all three MBB interviews, tackling each firms particularities and combining key concepts review and a hands-on methodology. Following the book, the candidate will prepare his/her stories by practicing with over 50 real questions and leveraging special frameworks and worksheets that guide step-by-step, developed by the author and her experience as a Master in Management professor and coach. Finally, as further guidance, the guide encompasses over 20 examples from real candidates.
Feel free to PM me for disccount codes, since we still have some left from the launch!

Setting common goals, allocating responsibilities, communicate clearly and exchange feedback along the way, motivate others when needed, trust, celebrate achievements and failures together
I would say three things constitute successful teawork
First: respect, listening to each others ideas, not mocking each other is necessary for any group to create synergies
Second: Openess, there must be enough confidence between teammembers as for everyone to be open about their opinions and suggestions
Lastly: Not scoring. Team members work together, not against each other, so keeping track of every little action would only create frictions as perception would be different. Of course extra effort should be rewarded, but in a team way, not making other feel less valued. Which would be even better because it would create recognition from the own team.

Open communication, minimum degree of harmony, healthy mix of diversity, as well as support/offering helping hands

1. Clear understanding of roles and responsibilities
2. Optimal allocation of responsibilities
3. Trust
4. Collective thinking
5. Open and honest feedback conversations

The key to successful teamwork is trust and communication. Tasks and responsibilities need to be clearly defined. There needs to be open communication in order to tackle problems as soon as they arise. Moreover clear feedback among all team members is essential.

I think that communication is one of the most essential qualities that leads to successful teamwork. Having been in multiple teams, communicating with my team about what is to be done or them communicating with me about their capabilities or limitations has helped me strategize the next steps.
Synergy in team work between people involved and clear and concise communication to solve key problems

A successful teamwork would be engaging the whole team members to work and engagement of all team members to do their work.
Willingness of each member to accept ideas of others and compromise to balance out the strenghts and weaknesses of team as whole
Understanding the team mebers is key, when to approach them, how frequently, what are the strengthts and weaknesses, to prioritize and delagate successfuly
Erfolgreiche Teamarbeit fängt zunächst mal in einer klaren Kommunikation aber auch Rücksichtnahme aufeinander an.
Es sollte zu Beginn jedes Projektes klar strukturiert werden, wer welche Aufgaben zugewiesen bekommt. Es sollte kein Mikromanaging seiner Kollegen stattfinden. Durch eine freundliche entspannte Arbeitsatmosphäre sollte außerdem vermittelt werden, dass man bei Problemen jederzeit auf seine Kollegen zukommen kann.
The best way to teamwork is constant communication from top to bottom. Leadership needs to establish communication with lower levels.
A team can only work successfully when all memebers fullfill a task and thus feel needed to contribute to the overall objective. To coordinate all of the different characters/roles and tasks in a team a good communication base in inevitable as well as transparency within the group.
There are 3 things that constitute a successful teamwork
1) Relationship with the team members: Without a doubt having a good relationship with your teammates brings out the desire to work with them and enhances internal understanding
2) Trust: You need to place trust in your teammates that they are great at what they do and leave them in charge of what they are good at
3) Diversity of opinions: An acceptance of diversity of opinions within the team helps cover everything, enables a new perspective, and avoids leaving any potential blind spots unguarded

Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe
Maßgeschneiderte Ideen
Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten
Gegenseitige Ergänzung

Knowing that different people have different working styles, and try to leverage on people’s strengths within the team.

Successful teamwork is about setting the right expectations and targets within a team, and being aware of the other member's working style. I think communication is a key aspect to this, it is important to understand the conditions that people best perform in, and to open channels for communication and updates. Some might need closer management, and others like more independence. I think successful teamwork is observed when it is evident that the output is coherent, everyone has visbility over the workstreams they were less involved in, and are comfortable talking about it.
Ich glaube, eine erfolgreihce Teamarbeit gliedert sich in 3 Punkte:
- offene & ehrliche Kommunikation
- Hilfbereitschaft
- respektvoller Umgang

I believe three main components constitute a successful teamwork:
1- Openness to feedback: It is essential to constantly seek constructive feedback from your peers, teammate and managers to identify and work on potential areas of improvement.
2- Collaboration: joining ideas, strategies and support to achieve common goals
3- Accountability: each team member is accountable for a certain task to be completed successfully