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What would your dream job be if you could choose any one?

Ich denke mein Traumjob würde dem eines Beraters schon Recht nahe kommen. Ich möchte auf jedenfall etwas bewirken und einen nachhaltigen, positiven Eindruck in der Welt hinterlassen haben, wenn ich mich in 40 Jahren zur Ruhe setze. Außerdem macht es mir wirklich Spaß Probleme Softwareseitig zu lesen. Sei es Dateneinlesen und daraus Entscheidungen ableiten oder Prozesse generell automatisieren. Und ich denke, dass ich beide Ziele als Unternehmensberater zusammenfügen kann.
Unternehmer meiner eigenen Firma zu sein in einer Branche die mich begeistert mit gleichgesinnten Leuten, die genau so zielstrebig sind wie ich.

My dream job would include lots of different tasks so I never settle into a routine. If I have to do one specific task over and over again I tend to become sloppy. However this also depends on the type of task; if a task is challenging enough, I'll be more alert. So that would be another requirement: my dream job would have to have challenging tasks.
My dream job should also be creative to some extend. It doesn't matter if the creativity is limited to, for example, designing presentation decks, or if I can really create something out of nothing, for example when I design and sew a couture dress.

A management consultant who specialises in driving sustainable solutions that can shift our economy towards an environmentally positive future

My dream job is management consulting because
1. I am looking for a careeer change from acamedia and i believe that consulting is a field where I can use many skills that I developed during my PhD such as problem solving and communication skills.
2. I am curious to learn about different industries and functions from the best.
3. I am motivated by working in a dynamic environment with people of diverse backgrounds and experience the feedback culture.

My dream job would be that of a Strategy Consultant and I am thriving to become one every single day. Coming from an engineering background, I had zero clue of what consulting was, until I got an internship offer from PwC, as a technology consultant. Those 3 months of my life were revolutionary and changed me for good. It transformed me from a timid girl to a confident young lady who finally knew what she wanted to do it life. Post my engineering, I decided to pursue consulting full-time and got joined PwC as a Technology Consultant. While i loved my job of creating technical solutions which the strategy consultant devised and strategized, I got more enthusiasm in coming up with strategies and solutions rather than implementing those.
Hence, I am looking to venture into Strategy Consulting particularly for financial firms.

A place where I can have new challenges to solve as I enjoy finding solutions and celebrate them.
A job that can allow me freedom of movement and transform the life of people in developing countries

I would like to be the head of innovation for R&D in particular for the development of novel formulations for a range of therapuetic areas