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What is your favorite street in Monopoly and why?

I can confirm you that you will never asked such thing in a MBB interview.

the orange square. this square is statistically the one where people reach the most. moreover its fairly cheap which means houses can rebuilt. The return is also high enough to make other players bankrupt.

I do not have any favorite street, because that game was always connected to familiar stress. Without that experience and with the option to add a new one, i would decide for the Gran Via in Madrid, where i made life-lasting experiences as a 16 years old child and could break out of my german little-town-bubble.
Joubert street (SA Version). High proability of people landing on it, and high rental income.

I don't know what is a Monopoly. I can get back to you on this after I have more knowledge about monopoly!

The orange ones because they are the most profitable. Best Value for money.
The next rational best would be the pink ones, but away from rationalism I enjoy the dark blue ones because in a late stage of the game they often bankrupt an opponent in one move.