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At this point in your life: Would you rather learn or earn money?

I personally love to learn new things. Of course earning money is important to live a good live but for me learning is very important. That is also why I am interested in consulting as a job. I think you can gain a lot of experience but in the end you can always learn more about different styles of consulting, different companies and every project is new. I think I would get to bored if I could not learn anything new for a longer time.

Beides geht Hand in Hand, der Lernprozess ist stetig fortlaufend. Geldverdienen steht genauso in meinem Fokus mit Ende 20.
Best case scenario both. I think finishing University marks a point in my learning and now it is time to learn what interests me most, what matters in the society and world, and especially to learn what brings the most value to society. Following that path can only help earn money which is necessary to survive but is also a nice-to-have.

I would rather learn because by learning you accelerate your self-development. You can earn money still in the future, but you will never learn as fast as now.

In my experience knowledge will lead you to money if you learn how to use it in your favor
Money is an enabler and of course nice to have. However, life without learning does not make fun and i would say I rather learn.

On top of the insights already shared in the post, the "Integrated FIT guide for MBB" has been recently published in PrepLounge´s shop (, adressing topics precisely as your question.
It provides an end-to-end preparation for all three MBB interviews, tackling each firms particularities and combining key concepts review and a hands-on methodology. Following the book, the candidate will prepare his/her stories by practicing with over 50 real questions and leveraging special frameworks and worksheets that guide step-by-step, developed by the author and her experience as a Master in Management professor and coach. Finally, as further guidance, the guide encompasses over 20 examples from real candidates.
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Intro and CV questions >
Motivational questions >
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Lernen. Ich möchte meine Hard und Soft Skills weiter ausbauen und viele Erfahrungen sammeln.

With no doubts, for an entry-level position, I would answer to learn.

Make learning a priority.
Learning gives you the power to create.
Creating something new (could be contributing to the growh of a practice within the company or launching your own business..) helps you make money.
It doesn't work the other way around.

I would rather learn. Reason being, I am still youn and exploring different opportnities. Hence it will make sense that I am able to learn as much as I can. but also I need to pay my bills

I would choose to keep learning at this point in my life. Having the opportunity to benefit from free education and financial support, it is a gift. By learning and acquiring knowledge I hope to contribute to society and transform my knowledge into impact.

I have always valued experiences and adventures over earning money. Both of which I deem important learning opportunities. I can think of at least 2 times in my life that I've deliberately emptied my bank account to go off someplace because of an opportunity to do something new or further my education. Those experiences also came with invaluable lessons, and I felt that in the long term, they added to my marketability.
I have been graduated for two years now, and I've changed two jobs, so I think it's still fair enough to say that I'm still trying to figure out what career path I'd like to choose. In light of this, I'd rather learn than earn money.

while I consider compensation an effective tool to communicate employee value, I find that learning and growth are more important at the current stage of my job.

i will do both because learning is a life long process and not something that we do just once and we finish with it

I would definitely rather learn! I love learning and I am convinced that with life-long learning, fulfillment and also monetary freedom will come naturally.

Both, I want to learn while earning money. As much as I love my university life and being a student, being pushed to grow and learn. Its time to move on and become my own person financially, but that is why I want to work here, working at McKinsey is like being at a university where I get paid, McKinsey puts a strong emphasise on lifelong learning, and gives its consultants the opportunity to continue learning. When speaking to the McKinsey EM's and consultants they said they loved McKinsey because of the university culture and I think it's a great place for me to start and end my career.
At this point in my life, I would rather learn than earn money as I am at the beginning of my career path and considered a young, enthusiastic individual who is eager to learn from others.
In terms of learning from a consulting approach, since I would potentially be exposed to various industries in consulting, this poses a great opportunity to expand my knowledge and get exposed to an endless learning curve.