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Integrated FIT Guide for MBB

Integrated FIT Guide for MBB

Combines key concepts review and a hands-on methodology
Contains printable worksheets to prepare your stories
Includes 20+ real examples and 50+ practice questions
USD 69 USD 49

With this product you will be perfectly prepared for your FIT interview

Download the Integrated FIT guide now and get for free the complimentary recompilation of candidate examples, detailed stories from candidates who had been recently hired in MBB. Structured leveraging the Story Cards presented in this FIT guide, they are the perfect way to find inspiration for your narrative and continue to deepen your knowledge on FIT.

Frequently bought together

Integrated FIT Guide for MBB by Clara
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Math and Formulas: Economic and Financial concepts for MBB interviews by Clara
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Master the FIT Part of the Interview in All Consulting Interviews

FIT, a Key Dimension From Any Consulting Interview

MBB, boutiques, and overall consulting interviews usually consist of 3 parts: FIT, business case, and Q&A, organized in 2 rounds. 
Although many candidates underestimate FIT and focus their preparation on business cases, FIT is as important to be prepared, and a usual cause for rejection. 
FIT in MBB interviews is an in-depth assessment of your skillset, not a standard motivational interview. In fact, it´s not conducted by HR, but for the consultants themselves, usually before the business case. 
In fact, FIT is not a complement to the business case, but a highly relevant part of the interview by itself. The reason why it´s deeply rooted in the value proposition a consultant brings to the table for his/her clients. The consultant skillset is not limited to analytical and problem-solving skills, but also encompasses team and client management abilities. This last two cannot be tested through business case, hence the importance of FIT. 

The Integrated FIT Guide 

The Integrated FIT Guide for MBB provides an end-to-end preparation for all three MBB interviews, as well as other consulting interviews, combining key concepts review and a hands-on methodology. 
Following the book, the candidate will prepare his/her stories by practicing with over 50 real questions and leveraging special frameworks and worksheets that guide step-by-step, developed by the author and her experience as a Master in Management professor and coach. 
Finally, as further guidance, the guide encompasses over 20 examples from real candidates.

This Is the Right Guide for You If You…

  • Want to learn about the four main question clusters (i.e., Introduction and CV questions, motivational questions, behavioral questions and stress questions): description, dimensions tested and examples
  • Want to deep dive on the key differences between McKinsey, Bain and BCG; and First vs. Second Round.
  • Want to follow a straight forward methodology, leveraging printable worksheets and tools to be filled, to prepare for each of the question clusters
  • Want real examples as references for your own

To learn a bit more about this material and how it can help you…

Premium users can have a taste of the materials covered and the different preparation strategies in a series of free Expert Articles dedicated to FIT preparation:


Page 1-5

What Is FIT and Why Is It Important?

  • Structure of MBB interviews and the key role of FIT in them
  • Importance of the FIT interview deriving from the job description and required skillset of a consultant
  • Incorrect myths around FIT
Page 7

This Guide‘s Methodology

  • With clear iconography to mark real questions, examples and key concepts
Page 8-21

I – Understanding FIT In-Depth

  • The four main question clusters: description, dimensions tested and examples
    • Introduction and CV questions
    • Motivational questions
    • Behavioral questions
    • Stress questions
  • Key differences between:
    • McKinsey, Bain and BCG
    • First and Second Round
  • Communication frameworks to be leveraged: STAR vs. PARADE
  • Frequently asked Q&A and common mistakes
Page 22-42

II – Hands-On Approach: How to Prepare, Example and Common Mistakes

  • Ad-hoc proposed methodology for each of the four main question clusters:
    • Ideation
    • Printable frameworks and worksheets developed by the author to be leveraged
    • Times
    • Communication strategy
  • 20+ real examples and full explanations: from ideation to how to communicate them
  • Common mistakes compilation
  • FAQ compilation
Page 43-70

III – BONUS material: Complimentary Compilation of Successful Coachee's Examples

  • Compilation of real examples by (generous) coachees who got hired in MBB. The stories have been structured leveraging the Story Cards presented in the Integrated FIT Guide
  • Covers examples on leadership, entrepreneurial drive, personal impact and hybrid responses among the 3 cited dimensions 

About the Author

Content Creator
McKinsey | Awarded professor at Master in Management @ IE | MBA at MIT |+180 students coached | Integrated FIT Guide aut

Clara started her career in McKinsey & Company, where she focused on Telco, Oil & Gas and Real Estate. She later joined the team that launched Amazon Business in Spain, where she is nowadays in charge of several capability building and coaching programs for the Spanish Marketplace department.

Clara teaches “Data Insights and Visualization” in the Master in Management at Instituto de Empresa in Madrid, where she has received the Teaching Excellence Award, as the best valued course by the students. She has also coached 150+ candidates on diverse platforms, such as PrepLounge. Furthermore, she is founder and president of the NGO Building their Future since 2015, focused on educational projects in Nairobi, Kenya.

Note for Finance Candidates

This product was originally created for consulting candidates to help them prepare for interviews and their career start. However, its content is perfectly transferable to other industries (e.g. finance) and provides valuable insights for all applicants.

Still having doubts? Then read what other users say:
70 ratings
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March 11, 2021 by Diego

I had done a lot of online research for McKinsey PEI, and found a huge number of free resources. But of course, they are all disorganized, repetitive, contradictory, not verified and many times outdated! However, this guide is nothing like that: it provides a real APPROACH to prepare your PEI, starting with the understanding of what you are going to face -which can be found online, but does not really tell you anything about how to prep- to a real STEP-BY-STEP preparation. That cannot be found free online. On top, it has unique resources created for the guide (i.e., story cards, matrix, etc.), that are printable and that guide you step-by-step and make you develop the stories in the way they will be asked, including the key data. In sum: worth every penny, saved me lots of time and ensured me that I was doing it right. Now I feel more confident as I am preparing for my 1st round interview.

12 users found this review helpful.
February 22, 2021 by Anonymous

Clara’s guide clearly lays out firstly the MBB interview process (i.e from an initial test to subsequent rounds of interview), secondly what the FIT involves and what components are tested in the FIT part of the interview and finally approaches to prepare for the FIT interview. Some behavioural questions are included to show you which skill is tested by which question. I particularly like the sample answers included in the guide as they show you how specific your answers should be and how long I should spend responding to each question. I was familiar with the STAR framework prior to purchasing this guide, hence I was slightly skeptical as to how much further I can improve. Was I wrong! The framework laid out in the guide as well as the examples of good responses helped me restructure my stories so that they are told in a powerful way. Very helpful material indeed.

11 users found this review helpful.
June 12, 2020 by Nicole

This guide is a must for those looking to get a clear direction for fit interview preparations. I really appreciated how concise and insightful this was on how I could approach the different types of fit questions. This is especially helpful if you are looking to save time from having to read lengthy materials that you would find online and instead focus the time on practicing. I also appreciate the concrete examples laid out on this guide as it gave me a benchmark on what a good answer would be. Highly recommend!

11 users found this review helpful.
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