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ACR Medical Lab
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Your client, ACR, is a chain of medical laboratories. They provide patients with MRI and CT scans as well as other major tests.
They have expensive testing equipment in their inventory and run about 250 labs. Usually doctors refer their patients to one of the labs.
Because ACR is worried about a decrease in profits, they have hired us to evaluate the market.
I. Background - Question 1
1. What are possible reasons for lower profits?
I. Background - Question 2
2. What are possible reasons for steady or lower sales?
I. Background - Question 3
3. Why do you think costs could increase?
I. Background - Question 4
4. What could lead to a change in price (up or down)?
II. Market - Question 5
5. To which extent could this threaten ACR’s profits?
III. Conclusion - Question 6
6. What can the client do to decrease the impact of this issue?
Video Solution
Further Questions
What arguments can ACR use to persuade doctors (especially with more than 8 patients per day) to sign long-term contracts?
Note for Interviewer
More questions to be added by you, interviewer!
At the end of the case, you will have the opportunity to suggest challenging questions about this case (to be asked for instance if the next interviewees solve the case very fast).
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This case is made to be interviewer-led. Therefore the interviewer should guide the interviewee through the interview. The questions should be read out and shared with the candidate.
The case is split into two parts:
The first part describes more qualitative problems and includes open questions to force the interviewee into thinking about the problem and possible solutions.
The second part deals with more quantitative problems and calculations. The interviewee should conduct his own calculations and solve the questions.