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Your client is a big bank that issues credit cards with a €100 annual fee. Recently, a supermarket entered the credit card business. The supermarket’s credit cards do NOT have an annual fee. Your client wants to know how they should react to this new competitor.
I. Background – Question 1: What areas would you like to further investigate?
II. Analysis – Question 2: First, we should focus on the revenue. What are the credit card’s main revenue streams?
III. Conclusion – Question 3: Can you give VISO three different recommendations?
III. Conclusion – Question 4: If VISO removes the activation fee, how would you compensate for the loss in revenue? Mention possible drawbacks.
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Since this is an interviewer-led case, the interviewer should guide the candidate through the interview.
After the first few questions, the interviewee should calculate the average revenue per card for the client and the new competitor. Afterwards, the interviewee should think of at least 3 different solutions for the client.
The questions in the big boxes should be read to the interviewee.