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Expert case by Bernard

MBB Case: JimboTel

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Case Prompt

Our client is JimboTel, an African mobile telecom company with operations in four West African countries: Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana and Sierra Leone. JimboTel has experienced revenue declines in the last two years.

How can JimboTel grow its revenues organically in the next year?

Part 1 – Case Opening

Our main goal is to ensure JimboTel increases its revenues in the next three years.

Part 2 – Population Analysis: We looked at the population breakdown by income and geography in the countries where JimboTel operates. After looking at Exhibit 1, what are your conclusions?

Part 3 – Mobile Phone Penetration by Geography and Income Level

After looking at the population, we looked at the mobile phone penetration by geography and income level. After looking at Exhibit 2, what are your conclusions?

Part 4 – Distribution Channel Analysis

We analyzed the total sales of mobile phones by channel in urban and rural areas. After looking at Exhibit 3, what are your conclusions?

Part 5 – New Sales Model

Part 6 – Conclusion: You have a minute to present your conclusions to JimboTel's CEO. What is your recommendation?

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