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Expert case by Giulia
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Case Prompt

Your client is a US-based manufacturer of branded cookies, Gumbread Inc. The client realized that their sales have declined in recent years. The client wants to know what they should do to do drive sales again.

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Part 1 - Suggested approach

Determine how large the overall US cookies market is in USD.

Part 2

Assume the cookie market is actually 20bn USD. Recently, private label cookies (those carrying the name of the retailer) have entered the market (Key: B = Branded, PL = Private Label). Is the emergence of private label cookies a threat to Gumbread Inc.?

Part 3

Assume PL cookies pose a threat to profits. What strategy should Gumbread Inc. take to mitigate this threat?

Part 4

Could you please give our client a final recommendation on what to do next?

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