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Company case by Roland Berger

Roland Berger Case: Sensorio Hightech GmbH

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Case Prompt

Sensorio Hightech GmbH is a leading manufacturer of technically advanced consumer electronics sensors based in Germany with EUR 500 m in revenues. It is a successfully growing affiliate with technically advanced consumer electronics sensors as its main business. Sensorio Hightech GmbH is looking at the smart home market for further growth. In addition, the company is aiming to tap into new regional markets.

You are a member of a consulting team mandated by Sensorio Hightech GmbH to:

  • assess possible new target segments in the smart home market
  • (optional – if there’s time left: recommend go-to-market measures)

The company is looking for a recommendation answering the following questions, taking into account Sensorio’s capabilities and current situation in various regions, the overall market environment, and smart home ecosystem:

Smart home market segmentation & attractiveness analysis (qualitative & quantitative)

  • What are relevant market segments of the smart home market?
  • What are potential factors that determine the market segment's attractiveness for Sensorio Hightech GmbH?
  • Which market segment(s) is/are most attractive for Sensorio Hightech GmbH to enter, and why?

(Optional: Entry strategy (qualitative))

  • How does the strategy to successfully entering the target segment(s) look like?
  • What are the crucial factors Sensorio Hightech GmbH needs to get right?
  • What parts of the value chain does Sensorio Hightech GmbH want to cover?
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Background Information

Question I: What are relevant market segments of the smart home market?

Question II: What are potential factors that determine the market segment's attractiveness for Sensorio Hightech GmbH?

Question III: Which market segment(s) is/are most attractive for Sensorio Hightech GmbH to enter and why?

Optional: Entry strategy for Sensorio Hightech GmbH

  1. How does the strategy to successfully entering the target segment(s) look like?
  2. What are the crucial factors Sensorio Hightech GmbH needs to get right?
  3. What parts of the value chain does Sensorio Hightech GmbH want to cover?
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