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Company case by Oliver Wyman

Oliver Wyman Case: Full Electrons Ahead

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Case Prompt

Your client, large automotive OEM WyCar, has developed its first fully electric vehicle (EV) and introduced it as a pilot on the Austrian market last year. However, sales have been far below the expected numbers. The management has engaged you to support them in understanding the reasons and advise them on how to adjust the product offering.

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I. Background

II. Analysis - 1. Identifying the problem

II. Analysis - 2. What could be possible reasons?

II. Analysis - 2. What could be possible reasons? - a) Idea 1: Battery warranty

II. Analysis - 2. What could be possible reasons? - b) Idea 2: Cooperation with energy provider

II. Analysis - 2. What could be possible reasons? - c) Idea 3: Online distribution for model “150”

III. Conclusion

Further Questions

Note for Interviewer

More questions and risks to be added by you, interviewer!

At the end of the case, you will have the opportunity to suggest challenging questions about this case

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