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Spirits distribution
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Our client, Ooze, is one of the market leaders in the US spirits market (strong alcohol products).
They are thinking of restructuring their distribution strategy and want to know whether they should invest in 1 or 5 distribution centers.
What would you recommend?
Further Questions
What is the payback time for the investment option compared to the outsourcing option?
Is this within the company’s investment timeframe?
Note for Interviewer
More questions to be added by you, interviewer!
If the interviewee solves the case very quickly, you can come up with more challenging questions to ask them.
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Since this is a candidate-led case, the candidate should drive the case from start to finish.
This case focuses on Ooze’s distribution strategy.
Sooner or later, most consumer goods companies will face similar problems.
Financial aspects mostly influence the decision.
Nevertheless, the interviewee should not forget the risks and/or opportunities (which are often very hard to financially quantify) that are associated with each plan.