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Expert case by Ben

Pedal Pals' Financial Fitness Challenge: Cost Optimization Consultancy

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Pedal Pals is an interactive fitness platform with millions of members, offering connected, technology-enabled fitness classes that utilize its proprietary hardware, the Pedal Pal stationary bicycle. Pedal Pals generates strong recurring revenue from its members, who pay subscription fees to access Pedal Pal's Connected Fitness products. Additionally, they have strong sales of the hardware product. Pedal Pals has an admired brand for high quality and sustainability.


Recently the company has been challenged by a large, activist investor. The activist investor is citing the plummeting stock price impacting  shareholder returns. The activist has attributed the issue directly to poor cost control throughout Pedal Pals. Pedal Pals CEO has hired your organization to determine how to manage its cost issue

Q1.) How would you structure your approach to solve the case for Pedal Pals?

Q2.) Given the Exhibit 1 financial trend, what cost decrease does Pedal Pals require to achieve a 5% profit target in 2024 and where should the cost cut focus?

There has not been a material growth of revenue or cost in 2024 .

Q3.) There are 2 approaches to cost cuts: an alternative manufacturer and reducing head count/ office space. From Exhibit 2, what percent of workforce should be cut to achieve cost savings target?

Q4.) What concerns, specifically in regard to layoffs, do you believe Pedal Pals should consider before moving forward with the cost cutting strategy?

Q5.) We are meeting with Pedal Pal’s CEO shortly regarding our findings, what should we recommend?

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