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DHL Consulting case: Books & Codes

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Case Prompt

A friend of yours recently got promoted to the position of director of a university library. Yesterday, your friend received a call from the Ministry of Education, who offered him to be part of a national RFID pilot with his library. As your friend is unsure if he should pursue this option, he asks you for your advice.

Your task is to assess the RFID technology for his library. How would you approach such a request?

Sample Structure

I. First analysis of RFID potential

II. Understanding of as-is situation

III. Calculation of saved process time

IV. Recommendation incl. reasoning

Further Questions

How would your recommendation change, if the investment is not covered by the Ministry of Education?

If you would transfer your gained knowledge of RIFD to the world of DHL and think about applying RFID at a warehouse:
How would a implementation process for this technology typically like?

Which teething problems could you think of the logistics environment?

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