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Expert case by Giulia

MBB Case – Consulting a Government

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Case Prompt

Our client is the government of an imaginary country which is suffering from strong protests and riots by its own population. The client would like to understand the reason for these protests. In a second step, the client wants you to make suggestions for improvement to end these protests. In answering those two questions, what factors would you consider in making your potential recommendation?


Sample Structure

1. Potential drivers analysis

2. Benchmarking analysis

3. Recommendations for action

4. Final recommendation

Further Questions

Please determine the average wage per month that someone in the first and in the fifth quintile makes.

We know that income double along the quintiles of the population. That is to say that the lowest earning 20% of population earn half of what the second-lowest earning 20% earn, and the second-lowest earning 20% earn again half of what the third lowest-earning 20% earn and so on. Please calculate the GDP per capita of the highest and lowest quintile.

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