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Received offers from boutique investment bank and financial services firm – Which is better for breaking into private equity?


after months of interviewing, I've been fortunate to receive offers from two firms: a boutique investment bank with a strong focus on deals and a larger financial services company with rotational opportunities. My long-term goal is to break into private equity, but I’m unsure which path would better set me up for that transition. Should I prioritize deal exposure at the boutique or opt for the broader experience at the larger firm?

Happy to hear your suggestions!

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on Nov 07, 2024
Elite IB + PE Coaching | 100+ Success Stories

Great question, Anna. Most private equity firms respect your actual experiences working with transactions over a larger brand / firm. It's all about getting reps on deal-related valuation and analysis. I'd recommend going with the boutique bank. As a coach, I find it's an easier transition path into PE. Happy to discuss in more detail.

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